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Couverture de Open


De : Frankie Bridge, Maleha Khan, Dr Mike McPhillips, Mind
Lu par : Frankie Bridge
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    'Brave and beautiful... a first aid manual for your mind.' - Adam Kay, bestselling author of This is Going To Hurt

    "I lived with it in silence. I tried to conquer it alone. And then I asked for help. It took me hitting hard, sharp rock bottom for me to truly recognize how ill I was."


    In OPEN, Frankie Bridge opens up about her ongoing journey from breakdown to breakthroughs and through self-loathing, hospitalization and self-acceptance. Part narrative exploration, part practical guide, this book will help you to understand the importance of talking and helping each other in an imperfect world.

    It will also feature guidance and advice from the psychologist and psychiatrist who pulled her back from the brink along with their notes on her and conversations with her. This book will help people open up about their mental health and encourage us all to speak out.

    ©2020 Frankie Bridge, Maleha Khan and Dr Mike McPhillips (P)2020 Octopus Publishing Group

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