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Couverture de Only in Darkness

Only in Darkness

De : Brenda Stanley
Lu par : Johnny B
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    Based on ancient Mayan mythology comes a story of bloodlust, love, and the horrors of coming of age.

    In ancient Central America, the legend of the Camazotz: large, bat-like creatures that desire blood and terrorize the villages in search of prey. When the volcano, Masaya, erupts and kills the tribe from which the Camazotz are from, they discover a miracle ash in the ruins.

    Years later in present-day eastern Idaho, 17-year-old Emilio Chavez lives in an isolated area near the lava rock cliffs of the American Falls reservoir. From birth, he has been different. After Emilio's friend Clara falls victim to a terrible accident, suspicions about Emilio arise, and he discovers an astonishing secret about his past.

    As a sinister force tightens its grip on Clara, can Milo save her from those searching for blood while keeping his own internal demons at bay?

    ©2021 Brenda Stanley (P)2022 Brenda Stanley

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