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Couverture de Only Psychos

Only Psychos

De : Daniel J Volpe
Lu par : Sean Walpole
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    Who will survive the storm?

    It was a blizzard for the ages. Two, massive snowstorms strike back-to-back, causing chaos in the Hudson Valley.

    Anna, and her two children, are without power and the temperature is plummeting. Their situation seems bleak, but a break in the storm gives them a chance at salvation. Anna flees her
    home, hoping to find safety in a local hotel, but what she finds is madness.

    Scott is a man on the run. His travel partner, Mary, is the quiet type, but that doesn't bother Scott. The severed pinkie he keeps in his pocket is all the distraction he needs.

    Jackie and Beau, two young lovers, and budding porn stars, have left their simple lives for ones of adventure. On their wild trek across the states, a blizzard puts a damper on their
    plans, forcing them into an old hotel. An old hotel with a violent and disturbing past.

    The snow piles up and more guests continue to arrive, but who will see the morning? Will the secrets in the basement remain hidden or will the years of torment be unleashed?

    There are no normal guests at the Elk Dale Hotel....Only Psychos!

    ©2023 Daniel J. Volpe (P)2024 Daniel J. Volpe


    "With ONLY PSYCHOS, Daniel Volpe channels the mastery of Jack Ketchum and Richard Laymon to craft a terrifying journey into madness and brutality all his own. Intense and uncompromising, Volpe's latest tale of horror secures his standing as one of the genre's most promising new storytellers."

    -- Ronald Kelly, Author of FEAR, THE ESSENTIAL SICK STUFF, and THE SAGA OF DEAD-EYE series.

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