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Couverture de Only Big Bumbum Matters Tomorrow

Only Big Bumbum Matters Tomorrow

De : Damilare Kuku
Lu par : Weruche Opia
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    A powerful and hilarious debut novel about family secrets, judgmental aunties, and Brazilian butt lifts, from the author of the internationally bestselling story collection Nearly All the Men in Lagos Are Mad.

    In Nigerian families, none of your business is private. Not even if it's about your bumbum.

    Freshly out of Obafemi Awolowo University, 20-year-old Temi has a clear plan for her future: she is going to surgically enlarge her backside like all the other Nigerian women, move from Ile-Ife to Lagos, and meet a man who will love her senseless.

    But when she finally finds the courage to tell her mother, older sister, and aunties, her announcement causes an uproar. As each of the other women try to cure Temi of what seems like temporary insanity, they begin to spill long-buried secrets, including the truth of Temi’s older sister’s mysterious disappearance five years earlier.

    In the end, it seems like Temi might be the sanest of them all…

    In Only Big Bumbum Matters Tomorrow, Damilare Kuku brings her signature humor, boldness, and compassion to each member of this loveable but exasperating family, whose lives reveal the ways in which a woman’s physical appearance can dictate her life and relationships and show just how sharp the double-edged sword of beauty can be.

    ©2024 Damilare Kuku (P)2024 HarperCollins Publishers

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