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One of Our Own

De : Lucinda Berry
Lu par : A.J. Cook, Tessa Albertson
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    A suicide prevention hotline volunteer answers a call that turns her world upside down in this edge-of-your-seat audio original thriller by the bestselling author of The Perfect Child and The Best of Friends, performed by A.J. Cook (Criminal Minds) and Tessa Albertson (Younger).

    Felicia, a single mother and lawyer by day, volunteers at a local crisis center to give back to her tightknit community in a small Wisconsin town. One night, she answers a horrifying call: through tears, a frantic teenage girl tells her that she was a victim of sexual assault at a local house party.

    Felicia is shocked, and breaking protocol, she begins communicating with the girl on her own, determined to keep her safe and hold her assailants accountable. But as she gets closer and closer to the truth, she can’t shake the feeling that she and the girl are connected by more than the phone call. As the girl shares more details, Felicia begins to think the unthinkable—someone close to her may be involved in this heinous crime.

    As Felicia earns the girl’s trust and more facts emerge about the incident, she faces a gut-wrenching battle between her protective instincts and the moral responsibility to do what’s right. This taut thriller is the perfect listen for fans of The Push, Wrong Place Wrong Time, and We Need to Talk About Kevin.

    ©2024 Lucinda Berry (P)2024 Simon & Schuster Audio Originals


    "Can't recommend this highly enough. Smart, genuinely moving, and utterly gripping from the very first scene." (Dervla McTiernan, internationally bestselling author of The Ruin and What Happened to Nina?)

    One of Our Own is fast-paced, gripping, and written with heart. It hooked me from the first chapter and didn’t let me hit pause until the edge-of-your-seat ending.” (Clémence Michallon, internationally bestselling author of The Quiet Tenant)

    "A dark and chilling look behind the scenes of a suicide prevention hotline and a single mother whose best intentions lead her down a dangerous path. Hypnotic and haunting, with a powerhouse performance and a cast of twisted characters Berry’s fans will adore, One of Our Own is a live-wire of a thriller—and every parent’s worst nightmare. 100% bingeworthy." (Kimberly Belle, internationally bestselling author of The Paris Widow)

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