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Couverture de One Wrong Turn

One Wrong Turn

De : C. M. Ewan
Lu par : Olivia Mace
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    One Wrong Turn is a heart-pounding thriller from C. M. Ewan, acclaimed author of The House Hunt, The Interview, A Window Breaks and the half-a-million-copy bestseller Safe House.

    Late at night . . .

    Abi and Ben are driving home down foggy country roads, arguing about having had to cut short their weekend away when they take a wrong turn. Abi’s driving, but her eyes leave the road for a moment as she says something to Ben – just as he gasps. A man is in front of the car, waving a torch. Abi swerves to avoid him.

    You see a family stranded . . .

    Ben tells her they should stop and go back, but Abi refuses. It’s dark, the roads are isolated and they don’t know this stranger. But, as Abi continues on, they see a broken-down car. Every instinct is still telling Abi to drive by, but then she notices the woman holding a car seat with a baby in it.

    Would you stop?

    For a moment, Abi hesitates, but they can’t leave a mother and baby on the side of the road. Agreeing to give the family a lift, they set off again. But now these strangers are inside their car and it might be the worst mistake they have ever made . . .

    C. M. Ewan: Everyday situations. Deadly consequences.

    ©2024 C. M. Ewan (P)2024 Macmillan Publishers International Limited


    One Wrong Turn had me gripped from the off. It’s the kind of thriller you can’t put down, full of deftly executed twists and turns and so satisfying. Highly recommended! (Jennie Godfrey, author of The List of Suspicious Things)

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