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Couverture de Life in the Key of G

Life in the Key of G

De : Kenny G, Philip Lerman
Lu par : Kenny G
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    Kenny G—the incomparable musician with the straight sax, the flowing hair, and some of the most memorable melodies in history—reveals the man behind the music in this indelible, honest, and funny memoir.

    He’s world renowned as the bestselling instrumentalist of all time, but there’s a lot about Kenny G that even his legions of devoted fans have never known—until now.

    In this heartfelt, funny, and fascinating memoir, Kenny G shares how skinny Kenneth Gorelick, the kid who got hassled for his lunch money in a Seattle high school, became one of the most celebrated and revered virtuosos in the music industry. He uncovers how he’s managed to rise above the fray, tune out the critics, and live a life filled with happiness and humor.

    Few people know of Kenny G’s musical roots as the sole white guy in one of the coolest funk bands of the seventies, or as the teenage backup musician for everyone from Barry White to Liberace. As an artist he’s dedicated to turning the next generation on to jazz heroes like Grover Washington, John Coltrane, and Stan Getz. A man who takes his music seriously but himself not so seriously, Kenny G lets listeners behind the scenes to see how he creates his unique sound and unforgettable songs. Along the way, he offers life lessons in discipline, determination, and dedication.

    Life in the Key of G leads listeners on a tour of one of the great musical careers of the twentieth century, from the time he pulled a fast one on Johnny Carson’s Tonight Show—a bold gamble that launched his stardom—to famed duets with legends like Whitney Houston, Frank Sinatra, and more.

    As Kenny G likes to say, “Try it. You’ll have the best sax you ever had.”

    ©2024 Kenneth Gorelick (P)2024 Blackstone Publishing

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