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Couverture de One More Race

One More Race

De : Alycia Carosella
Lu par : Olivia Dorman
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    Childhood friends Taylor and Jackson have practically grown up at the track. Both of their families are racers and that has been their passion for as long as they could remember. Racing is what has brought them into each other's lives, it's in their blood.

    They always spend as much time as they can together, and others would envy their friendship. They bring another racer into their friend group and jealousy starts to show. Taylor loves both Andy and Jackson, but only as friends…so she thinks. Jackson on the other hand has had feelings for Taylor from the start, but she is oblivious.

    With the line between friendship and lovers getting blurred, they face the strain on their friendship. Jackson would rather be friends than lose Taylor, so he waits! With them getting older and starting to race themselves, they find themselves spending more time with each other and becoming closer. Will Taylor pick the right guy before it's too late?

    ©2022, 2023 Alycia Carosella (P)2023 Alycia Carosella
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance

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