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Couverture de One Eye

One Eye

De : Laura W. Eckroat
Lu par : Rob Izenberg
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    There once was a bright blue house, with a slippery slate roof and a creaky crooked porch, that sat to the left of the fork in the road. The porch was a peaceful gathering place, and the man who lived there often sat and enjoyed the view and the humans and animals who so often stopped by. The man scattered peanuts and seeds on the porch for the animals, who looked forward to their tasty treats. 

    One day the man in the bright blue house with the slippery slate roof and the creaky crooked porch was watching the current summer storm, when he realized he was no longer alone. A small, injured brown squirrel sat motionless just a few feet away.... Would the man in the bright blue house be able to help the wounded little squirrel? 

    Find out in One Eye: A Squirrel’s Tale by author Laura W. Eckroat. Includes the story of the real-life One Eye and White Ears, plus a wildlife sample lesson that can be used along with the book by teachers and humane educators for grades 1-5.

    ©2019 Laura W. Eckroat (P)2019 Laura W. Eckroat
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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