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Couverture de One Dangerous Night

One Dangerous Night

De : Cathy Maxwell
Lu par : Justine Eyre
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    The second book in New York Times bestselling author Cathy Maxwell’s humorous and heartwarming series The Gambler’s Daughters, in which three aristocratic Irish sisters are determined to make their ways in Regency London...only to learn the path to making a brilliant society marriage isn’t easy—especially when Love gets in the way. Here, a disaster in a storm throws headstrong sister Elise into the company, and arms, of a rake on the run.

    Elise Lanscarr is furious—her very own sister has married the man Elise had marked for herself. Feeling betrayed, she flees London, determined to return to the one place where everything was once as it should be: her family home in Ireland. But when her stagecoach crashes in a storm, she finds herself cast adrift in the wilds with no one to help but a rough-looking, albeit handsome, stranger—one who has obviously never been informed of the “proper” rules of society.

    Christopher Fitzhugh-Cox, the missing Duke of Winderton, has fled all responsibility, preferring the persona of the devil-may-care rake “Kit.” He proudly lives hand-to-mouth, rubbing shoulders with commoners and thieves alike. But while he values his freedom, he’s never been one to leave a lady in trouble—even one as opinionated, albeit intriguing, as Elise.

    But this night of booming thunder and flashing lightning is just the beginning of an unexpected, often dangerous, adventure. And two disillusioned souls who have been caught up in their own webs of expectations and disappointments are about to learn that life always holds surprises, and gifts. And all it asks in return is that they risk everything for Love . . .

    ©2024 Cathy Maxwell (P)2024 HarperCollins Publishers

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