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Couverture de Once Was

Once Was

De : Miya Kressin
Lu par : Kassandra Novell
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    "Fear choked me as I slithered beneath another set of low-hanging branches. Dirt and rocks dug into my hands, filling the space beneath my fingernails while I crawled. Briars caught my hair, but all my attention was on the nemeton—my people’s sacred space—twenty feet beyond the willow that hid me. Speeding breaths disturbed the branches, steaming in the chilling air."

    Prophet of Bas and imbued with the strength and magic of her goddess, Roseen is a woman bound by faith and compelled by honor. When a powerful vision calls her back to Madani, her home, and Sheelin, the island where she first experienced her calling to Bas, she encounters a land ravaged by war and desecrated by marauders. She also finds Cade, a talented blacksmith forced to craft swords for the invading Army of Righteousness and with whom she shared a childhood and now shares a different type of bond altogether.

    Being with Cade in Madani brings Roseen’s past to collide with both her present and future. With the courage and heart to match his skill, the blacksmith may be Roseen's best ally in the carnage ahead. Can he see past his own feelings to let the priestess' power be unleashed? Not content to allow him fight alone, Roseen will be forced to find her faith and lend her strength and magic to her people, lest they all be destroyed.

    ©2012, 2021 Miya Kressin (P)2024 Miya Kressin

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