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Couverture de Once Upon a Country Road

Once Upon a Country Road

De : Ruth B. Smith
Lu par : Ruth Rosen
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    In this biography, Ruth Busbee Smith depicts a vivid picture of her upbringing on a family-owned farm in South Carolina in the 1940s and 50s—a lifestyle that is both peaceful and hardworking. From the unique personality traits of her family members, helping on the farm, and more to becoming a "bookworm" at a young age to learning and following God's Word, Smith describes how we can be successful with little resources with lots of love for family, friends, and neighbors. This perspective will enlighten younger generations on how her family conquered challenges many have now forgotten.

    Ruth Busbee Smith was inspired to write this book from her love of teaching others and sharing her knowledge with younger generations. She has always loved to volunteer in her community and be an active part of her church. She has won many awards for her various crafts throughout the years, and her love of the great outdoors keeps her vibrant. She is a devoted mother and grandmother and continues to call South Carolina home.

    ©2022 Ruth B. Smith (P)2024 Ruth B. Smith

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