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Couverture de Once Bitten, Twice Dead

Once Bitten, Twice Dead

De : Tiffany Schmidt
Lu par : Allyson Voller
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    When a horrific loss throws Monster High into a state of grave upheaval, Draculaura and the other ghouls find themselves coping in different ways.

    For her part, the chaos at school is making Draculaura sick. She finds escape only by slipping away to the cemetery to pore over her mom's old journals. It's there that she meets Poe. If her ghoulfriends find out she's fallen for a normie, they'll freak. And if Poe discovers she's a vampire, his monster-hunting dad may have a stake in the matter.

    Meanwhile, dangerous events have begun plaguing the halls of Monster High. When the magical protections around the school borders falter and a group of normies stumble onto campus, Draculaura and the other ghouls know something needs to be done.

    But there's a secret about Draculaura that no one was aware of until now. When Draculaura and Ghoulia uncover ancient texts that reveal the full implications of her identity, Draculaura is forced to make an impossible choice that will alter her identity forever.

    Will her loyalties to Monster High determine all their fates? Or will Draculaura succumb to a dangerous passion that makes her feel more . . . alive than she ever has?

    ©2024 Mattel (P)2024 Tantor

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