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Couverture de On the Mexican Border

On the Mexican Border

De : Paul Hutchens
Lu par : Aimee Lilly
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    The Sugar Creek Gang enjoys a mid-winter vacation on the Rio Grande River. Their adventures include fishing in the Gulf of Mexico, meeting a boy evangelist in a tent meeting, and chasing a criminal through a grapefruit grove. Will the stowaway in their trunk make it safely across the border? And will the dangerous criminal make it across the Rio Grande in the boys' rubber raft? Learn with the Sugar Creek Gang how precious children of all colors are in God's sight.

    The Sugar Creek Gang series chronicles the faith-building adventures of a group of fun-loving, courageous Christian boys. These classic stories have been inspiring children to grow in their faith for more than five decades. More than three million copies later, children continue to grow up relating to members of the gang as they struggle with the application of their Christian faith to the adventure of life.

    Now that these stories have been updated for a new generation, you and your child can join in the Sugar Creek excitement.

    ©1950, 1998 Paul Hutchens (P)2019 Oasis Audio

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