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Couverture de On the Edge of Something Bigger

On the Edge of Something Bigger

De : Anja Sassenberg-Degeorgia
Lu par : Anja Sassenberg-DeGeorgia
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    If you have launched retirement and caught yourself thinking it was initially so much fun to not have to go to work anymore, but now after a couple of months, you are feeling less happy than you thought you would be, know that you are not alone and what you're experiencing makes sense. Designing 168 hours of your weeks is a new skill. How would you know? You likely never had to do this before. Winging it in life typically does not magically lead to the best experience. We know this, but somehow, we think this time in life is the exception.

    Intentional retirement design is a learnable and exciting skill to embrace. This practical and positive hands-on audiobook gives you all the tools you need to create the right amount of structure and routines for you. As you listen, you will create a step-by-step, personal 90-day vision just perfect for you. This audiobook is not for you if you are content to coast through retirement and just get by. It is for those of you who desire a deeply intentional and exceptional time in your life.

    Based on Anja Sassenberg-DeGeorgia’s years of speaking and assisting hundreds of people around the world to dream big and live life to the fullest, On the Edge of Something Bigger shares her valuable insights and knowledge as a certified life coach and presenter to help people just like you, individuals looking for something bigger: a life filled with hope and possibility.

    ©2019 Anja Sassenberg-DeGeorgia (P)2021 Anja Sassenberg-DeGeorgia

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