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Couverture de On the Christian Life

On the Christian Life

De : John Calvin, Raymond A. Blacketer - translator, Anthony Lane - introduction
Lu par : Jonathan Welsh
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    New Translation of John Calvin's Classic Work Explores What It Means to Live the Christian Life

    For centuries, Christians have read John Calvin's On the Christian Life to answer a fundamental question: What does it mean to live faithfully as a Christian? This fresh translation of what is often referred to as Calvin's "Golden Booklet" features an all-new introduction, robust citations, and explanatory footnotes—introducing a new generation of listeners to a classic work of Christian spirituality.

    In the book—a portion of the Reformer's magnum opus, Institutes of the Christian Religion—Calvin suggests that a deep understanding of theology is worthless if the gospel has yet to "penetrate into the most intimate affection of the heart." Touching on essential themes like self-denial, submission to God, bearing one's cross, enduring suffering for the sake of righteousness, and meditating on the life to come, this accessible work will help believers reflect on their lives as Christians and lean on the grace of Jesus in everyday life.

    • A Brand-New Translation: Translated from the original Latin edition by Calvin scholar Raymond A. Blacketer—making this classic work more accessible to modern listeners than ever before
    • A Fresh Introduction: Includes an all-new introduction by editor Anthony N. S. Lane, professor of historical doctrine at the London School of Theology
    • Helpful Resources: Includes robust source citations and explanatory footnotes to help pastors, students, scholars, and everyday Christians better understand Calvin's words and context
    • Explores the Christian Life: Addresses themes including self-denial, taking up one's cross, submitting to God, and suffering for the sake of righteousness
    ©2024 Raymond A. Blacketer and Anthony Lane (P)2024 Crossway

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