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Couverture de On a Night Like This

On a Night Like This

De : Liz Maverick
Lu par : Dara Rosenberg, Andrew Eiden
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    Best-selling author Liz Maverick is back with this cozy, captivating holiday rom-com about finding love where you least expect it.

    After a broken engagement, Cher decides to leave heartbreak behind by signing up for a holiday house swap. For the next few weeks, she’ll ditch sunny California to spend her first Hanukkah in New York City, a time of snow-covered sidewalks, festive store windows, hot cocoa, and...cute neighbors?

    As Cher is moving into her temporary new apartment, Eliot is moving his ex’s belongings out, and he soon finds himself offering to play tour guide. He’s nursing a broken heart too, and spending time showing the beautiful traveler around is exactly what he needs. There’s nothing more magical than jaunting around the wintry city together with no expectations...until he starts hoping for more.

    With the holiday of lights—and the sparks of attraction—setting their hearts aglow, will they find a way to bridge the distance? And when the past comes calling, will their first season together be their last?

    ©2023 Liz Maverick (P)2023 Audible Originals, LLC

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