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Couverture de On Sunset

On Sunset

De : Kathryn Harrison
Lu par : Rebecca Lowman
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    Born in Los Angeles at the dawn of the 1960s to parents who quickly departed, Kathryn Harrison was received by her maternal grandparents as a late-life child. Harry Jacobs and Margaret Sassoon, true wandering Jews, had emigrated to L.A. after leading whirlwind lives in Shanghai, London, Alaska, Russia, and beyond. 

    Harrison grew up in their fading Tudor mansion on Sunset Boulevard, a kingdom inhabited by gleaming memories from their extraordinary past. Their photos, letters, and souvenirs sparked endless family stories that spanned cultures, dynasties, and continents - until declining finances forced them to sell the house in 1971, and night fell fast. 

    Vivid and poignant, filled with the wisdom of retrospect and the wonder of childhood, On Sunset seeks to recover a foundational time in her life, affirming the power of storytelling and the endurance of memory. 

    ©2018 Kathryn Harrison (P)2018 Random House Audio


    "Evocative and tender, this delightful memoir pairs the distant past with a safe and sacred time in the author's young life." (Publishers Weekly)

    "Blending family history and mythology, anecdotes and photographs, this book is not simply one woman’s open love letter to two magnificently eccentric grandparents; it is also a testament to the enduring power of memory. A poignant and eloquent memoir." (Kirkus Reviews)

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