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Couverture de On Phillips Cay

On Phillips Cay

De : Francis Nash
Lu par : Michael Maloney
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    Methuen Pryce has arrived with his wife and daughter on the remote Caribbean island of Phillips Cay. It is 2050. He is there to lead a Project–devised by the tech giant Allied Answers–aimed at creating a new type of sustainable society, in a world re-shaped by overpopulation, rising pollution and depleted resources.

    On the quayside, he discovers an ‘AI gift’ from Nick O’Grady, the founder of Allied. ‘That will help you on your Way’, an attached note reads–referring to Methuen’s novel approach to implementing the Project Plan. But was the Plan designed to accommodate the influx of thirty boats in the bay, filled with people desperate to gain admittance? And how will the much-admired general manager of the former holiday resort react to the wave of changes being imposed on him?

    Moreover, what can Methuen do when among the team of professionals brought in to assist him, he finds some who seem to oppose his authority? And then there is . . . The Incident that no one could have predicted on Phillips Cay.

    ©2024 Francis Nash (P)2024 Francis Nash

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