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Couverture de Olympic Shell-ebration

Olympic Shell-ebration

De : Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen
Lu par : Holly Linneman
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    Chapter book listeners' favorite kitten mermaids are shell-ebrating the Olympics with a school field day. The Purrmaids series is known for having kids paw-sitively hooked from the first word!

    It's time for the summer Olympics and Kittentail Cove is ready to celebrate! A hometown Olympic hero will be hosting a field day at Sea School and best friends Coral, Shelly, and Angel are excited to try all kinds of fun sports. But when Coral makes the swim-nastics team and Shelly and Angel don't, she'll have to overcome her fears and learn to work with her new team if they want to win.

    ©2024 Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen (P)2024 Listening Library

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