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Couverture de Old Dog and Partridge

Old Dog and Partridge

De : Joe Turner
Lu par : Michael Williams, Lisa Coleman, Simon Greenall, Cherry Morris, full cast
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    Michael Williams and Lisa Coleman star in this six-part family sitcom set in a village pub

    Landlord Jack and his daughter Nicola used to be close – when she was seven, and all she talked about was ponies. Now she’s 26 and works in the City, and they’ve drifted apart. So when she comes back for a Christmas visit and announces she wants to stay and help manage the pub, he’s less than thrilled. Barmaid Mrs Drummond is unimpressed too – she’s never liked Nicola – but regular customer Andy is delighted she’s back home.

    Adapting to being a co-landlord is difficult for Jack, who’s run things single-handed since Nicola’s mum died. He’s a creature of habit, an old dog who won’t be taught new tricks. Having his grown-up daughter around all the time is a challenge, especially when she breaks his favourite bowl and keeps insisting he talk about his feelings. But neither Jack nor Nicola wants to call time on their relationship – can they accept each other’s foibles and find a way to reconnect?

    Created by veteran Coronation Street writer Joe Turner, this warm-hearted comedy drama stars Michael Williams (A Fine Romance) as Jack and Lisa Coleman (The Story of Tracy Beaker) as Nicola, with Simon Greenall (I’m Alan Partridge) as Andy and Cherry Morris (Mapp and Lucia) as Mrs Drummond.

    Production credits
    Written by Joe Turner
    Produced by Liz Anstee

    Jack – Michael Williams
    Nicola – Lisa Coleman
    Mrs Drummond – Cherry Morris
    Andy – Simon Greenall
    Brian/Steve/Derek/Joe/Various – Toby Longworth
    Andy’s Mum/The Inspector – Sally Grace
    Arthur – Finetime Fontayne
    Ralph – John Duttine
    Kirstie – Debra Stephenson

    First broadcast on BBC Radio 4, 7 January-11 February 1999

    ©2024 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd (P)2024 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd

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