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Couverture de Okiboyz


De : Marq Turner
Lu par : Martin Landry
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    I know what you are thinking. Military brats have a life of protection and privilege. Best schools and opportunities, whatever. All of that is BS, and you know it. Like in the States, we had gangs, crimes, corruption, and even murder. My story is not just about all of that. It is also about brotherhood among friends who were willing to fight to the death for one another while following the codes of street life. My name is Eric "A-Bomb" Anthony; my friends call me "A." I'm not just a gangster but a member of the Oki-Boyz.

    This is the story of my first year in high school and my first year as a blooded gang member, from an initiate to a leader with a notch on my belt. Like every success story, I had it all. I had money, girls, and the respect of my crew that went from being a social outcast to the most feared gang Ever. We hustled hard, and the money came easily until a war with a rival got us into a situation that could change the game's rules as we knew them. If you want to know me and my story, feel free to read. Just remember that this is just freshman year. The Best or worst is yet to come.

    ©2021 Marq Turner (P)2024 Marq Turner

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