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  • Oh Crap! I Have a Toddler

  • Tackling These Crazy Awesome Years - No Time Outs Needed
  • De : Jamie Glowacki
  • Lu par : Jamie Glowacki
  • Durée : 8 h et 14 min

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Oh Crap! I Have a Toddler

De : Jamie Glowacki
Lu par : Jamie Glowacki
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    Real-world, from-the-trenches toddler parenting advice from the author of the best-selling Oh Crap! Potty Training.

    Toddlers - commonly defined as children aged between two and five years old - can be a horribly misunderstood bunch. What most parents view as bad behavior is in fact just curious behavior. Toddlerdom is the age of individuation, seeking control, and above all, learning how the world works. But this misunderstanding between parents and child can lead to power struggles, tantrums, and even diminished growth and creativity.

    The recent push of early intellectualism coupled with a desire to “make childhood magical” has created a strange paradox - we have three-year-olds with math and Mandarin tutors who don’t know how to dress themselves and are sitting in their own poop. We are pushing the toddler mind beyond its limit but simultaneously keeping them far below their own natural capabilities.

    In the frank, funny, and totally authentic Oh Crap! I Have a Toddler, social worker Jamie Glowacki helps parents work through what she considers the five essential components of raising toddlers:

    • Engaging the toddler mind
    • Working with the toddler body
    • Understanding and dealing with the toddler behavior
    • Creating a good toddler environment
    • You, the parent

    Oh Crap! I Have a Toddler is about doing more with less - and bringing real childhood back from the brink of overscheduled, overstimulated helicopter parenting. With her signature down-and-dirty friend-to-friend advice, Jamie is here to help you experience the joy of parenting again and giving your child - and yourself - the freedom to let them grow at their own pace and become who they are.

    ©2019 Jamie Glowacki (P)2019 Simon & Schuster

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