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  • Off-Grid Living and the Self-Sufficient Backyard

  • The Complete Guide to Building Your Homestead and Living Off-the-Grid - Food, Water, Power and Making Money from Your Sustainable Backyard Mini Farm
  • De : Ben Rinner
  • Lu par : Mark Williams
  • Durée : 6 h

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Off-Grid Living and the Self-Sufficient Backyard

De : Ben Rinner
Lu par : Mark Williams
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    Get off-the-grid and become self-sufficient without leaving your backyard!

    Cultivating a sustainable homestead off the grid has become more and more popular as many people are searching for alternatives to the trappings of modern society.

    Off-Grid Living and the Self-Sufficient Backyard is your complete guide to transitioning off the grid. It doesn't matter if you are just getting started or are already an experienced homesteader. This audiobook will serve as your guide for creating your backyard mini-farm and planning for your off-grid life.

    This special bundle contains the following books:

    • Off-Grid Living
    • The Self-Sufficient Backyard

    In Off-Grid Living, you'll learn:

    • Why off-grid living is not only possible, but increasingly popular
    • How to set up your off-grid home with water, power, and infrastructure
    • Costly mistakes new homesteaders make and how you can avoid them
    • Special considerations for young families, including homeschooling
    • Surprising ways you can earn money while living off the grid
    • And much more!

    Then The Self-Sufficient Backyard will teach you:

    • How to assess your land to decide what plants (and animals!) to raise
    • The best growing methods for small spaces, like companion planting and intercropping
    • The most popular crops for backyard farmers, from peas and carrots to turmeric, ginger, and fenugreek
    • How to plant fruit trees and grow apples, cherries, peaches, or apricots in your backyard
    • Advice to consider raising chickens, goats, pigs, fish, bees, or even llamas
    • And much more!

    With the knowledge, tools, and tips in this unique bundle, you'll have everything you need to create a life off the grid!

    ©2021 Ben Rinner (P)2021 Ben Rinner

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