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Couverture de Occupied Heaven

Occupied Heaven

De : Alexandre Mallorie
Lu par : Aaron Smith
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    It is 1993, and 18-year-old Hanzilah is visiting his family in Kashmir. There is a strong summer breeze fluttering through the lush emerald valleys of Kashmir and the Himalayan Mountains. The early dawn is approaching. It is the eerie calm before a withering horror. It begins; a bomb shatters Hanzilah’s village. The bombing is incessant and continuous. Little does he know, but his life has forever changed. When it ends, he finds only death, destruction, and his childhood love slowly dying from her injuries on a makeshift bed in a makeshift hospital. Another life gone before it began, in a place where that is so often the case. In grieving madness, he is forced to make a decision that will render his life forever changed. In a hasty decision, forged by anger, vengeance, and selfishness, Hanzilah succumbs to his basest emotions and joins a militant group along with his childhood friends. Their goal: to infiltrate Indian Kashmir and attack the military forces occupying his ancestral home.

    ©2020 Lake Grove Publishing LLC (P)2021 Lake Grove Publishing LLC

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