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  • Obsession

  • A Journalist and Victim-Survivor’s Investigation into Stalking
  • De : Nicole Madigan
  • Lu par : Nicole Madigan
  • Durée : 8 h et 31 min

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De : Nicole Madigan
Lu par : Nicole Madigan
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    Journalist Nicole Madigan was stalked for over three years. The relentless and debilitating experience wreaked havoc in her personal and professional life, leaving her trapped in a constant state of fear and anxiety.

    Nicole uses her own story as an entry point to examine the psychology behind stalking behaviours and their impact on victim-survivors. Whether by a stranger, acquaintance or former partner, stalking can have a catastrophic effect on a victim-survivor's mental, social and financial wellbeing. At its worst, it can lead to physical violence, even death.

    In this timely and compelling enquiry, Madigan explores the blurred lines between romantic interest and obsession, admiration and fixation. Through expert consultation and the personal stories of other victim-survivors, she analyses society's attitude towards stalking and its role in popular culture, while highlighting the failings of the legal system in protecting victims.

    2024, Sister in Crime Davitt Awards True Crime Writing, Long-listed

    ©2023 Nicole Madigan (P)2023 Bolinda Publishing


    'It is as chilling and gripping to read as the best thriller, made even more disturbing because every word of it is true.' (Jane Caro, author, writer and public commentator)
    'Extraordinarily powerful and terrifyingly necessary... Nicole’s generosity in pouring her heart out onto the page is matched in brilliance by her forensic exploration of stalking.’ (Shannon Molloy, author and journalist)
    'Madigan writes with an immense amount of courage, skill, and empathy about a dark experience that is too often diminished and overlooked.' (Elfy Scott, author and journalist)

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