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Couverture de OHST Exam Essential Practice Simply and Thoroughly Explained

OHST Exam Essential Practice Simply and Thoroughly Explained

De : Daniel Farcas, Michael McCawley, Mariella Carrieri, Sylvie Cohen, Lorenzo Cena
Lu par : Bill Jacobson
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    OHST Exam Essential Practice Simply and Thoroughly Explained as the name implies, an essential set of questions for anyone taking the Occupational Hygiene and Safety Technician certification exam. This book draws the listener in, which certainly assists with their increased retention of the amount of material that must be covered. The questions are well introduced with a short narrative before presenting the pertinent equations and solution to the over 500 example essential questions.

    The book serves as a formidable preparation for the OHST exam and a good review of basic principles, a reference for many of the day-to-day technical issues confronting the practicing worker’s safety, and a guide for raising awareness of potential problems for which alert action is required. The authors bring a breadth of experience and insight into the issues handled in the text. They bring context to the basic principles highlighted by the examples of the questions and their solutions. OHST Exam Essential Practice Simply and Thoroughly Explained should be a must-have text for everyone in the field.

    ©2022 Daniel Farcas (P)2023 Daniel Farcas

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