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Couverture de Nyctophobia


De : Charles Welch
Lu par : Jeff Heisler
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    Ethan Simmons wakes on a Saturday morning to an overcast sky, and a hangover. He has slept in his clothes and cannot recall the events of the night before. This isn’t the first time his partying lifestyle has caused him memory troubles; however, it is the first time those issues have placed a deep-seated fear in his heart.

    As he takes in the neighborhood from his front porch, Ethan realizes the drinking from the night before isn’t the only thing that has escaped his memory.

    Ethan can recall the names of three of his neighbors, but not much more about anything.

    As his neighbors reacquaint themselves, Ethan is shocked to find that each of them suffers the same problem. They all know each other, but none is sure how.

    This is only the first shocking discovery Ethan, and his neighbors make. Soon, they come to know they are stuck in their little town with no way to escape. Each night brings with it horrifying nightmares. Their dreams are trying to reveal to them a story, their story. It is an intermingled story of deceit and tragedy that none of them can entirely piece together.

    Their neighborhood street is an unfamiliar place of mystery. They are stuck, and they are alone.

    Until they meet someone special, someone who holds the key to understanding the very source of evil that has invaded their lives and stolen their pasts. Time is running short. Their lives depend on escaping the town that imprisons them.

    They are terrified of the images of terror that come to them in their sleep.

    They need to move, and they should run, but it’s hard to overcome Nyctophobia.

    Should you also be afraid of the dark?

    ©2024 Charles Welch (P)2024 Charles Welch

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