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Couverture de Nurturing Young Minds

Nurturing Young Minds

De : Ramesh Manocha
Lu par : Roger Davis
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    Being a teenager has never been easy, but the digital age has brought with it unique challenges for young people and the adults in their lives. Nurturing Young Minds: Mental Wellbeing in the Digital Age collects expert advice on how to tackle the terrors of the 21st century and is a companion to Growing Happy, Healthy Young Minds

    A comprehensive and easily accessible guide for parents, teachers, counsellors and health care professionals, this book contains important advice about managing online behaviour, computer game addiction and cyberbullying, as well as essential information on learning disorders, social skills and emotional health. 

    This volume includes up-to-date information on:

    Understanding Teen Sleep and Drowsy Kids 

    Emotions and Relationships Shape the Brain of Children 

    Understanding the Teenage Brain 

    Healthy Habits for a Digital Life 

    Online Time Management 

    Problematic Internet Use and How to Manage It 

    Computer Game Addiction and Mental Wellbeing 

    Sexting: Realities and Risks 

    Cyberbullying, Cyber-harassment and Revenge Porn 

    The 'Gamblification' of Computer Games 

    Violent Video Games and Violent Behaviour 

    Talking to Young People About Online Porn and Sexual Images 

    Advice for Parents: Be a Mentor, Not a Friend 

    E-mental Health Programs and Interventions 

    Could It Be Asperger's? 

    Dyslexia and Learning Difficulties 

    Friendship and Social Skills 

    The Commercialisation of Childhood 

    Sexualisation: Why Should We Be Concerned? 

    Porn as a Public Health Crisis 

    How Boys Are Travelling and What They Most Need 

    Understanding and Managing Anger and Aggression

    Understanding Boys' Health Needs

    ©2018 Ramesh Manocha (P)2018 Hachette Audio UK

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