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  • Nuclear Crash Survival: Mastery of Thriving in 21st-Century Catastrophes

  • A Guided Approach of Mastering Essential Survival Skills and Comprehensive Preparation Plans for Success Amidst Catastrophe
  • De : James Jonathan Archer, James Archer
  • Lu par : Rick Bender
  • Durée : 2 h et 10 min

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Nuclear Crash Survival: Mastery of Thriving in 21st-Century Catastrophes

De : James Jonathan Archer, James Archer
Lu par : Rick Bender
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    Nuclear Crash Survival: Mastery of Thriving in 21st-Century Catastrophes
    A Guided Approach of Mastering Essential Survival Skills and Comprehensive Preparation Plans for Success Amidst Catastrophe

    By Dr. James J. Archer

    Prepare for the unthinkable with "Nuclear Crash Survival" by Dr. James J. Archer. This ultimate guide equips you with essential survival skills and knowledge to not only survive but thrive amidst nuclear disasters and other 21st-century catastrophes. From understanding the mechanics of nuclear explosions to implementing comprehensive preparation plans, this indispensable manual provides vital information for navigating the aftermath of an atomic bomb or nuclear attack.

    Inside "Nuclear Crash Survival", you'll discover:

    • The Inner Workings of Nuclear Explosions: Understand the science behind nuclear detonations and their catastrophic effects, including radiation and nuclear fallout.
    • Step-by-Step Survival Plans: Create tailored action plans for your family, considering the unique needs of pets and family members with disabilities during a nuclear incident.
    • Shelter Fortification: Expert tips on constructing and fortifying shelters to ensure safety during a nuclear war and protect vital supplies from nuclear radiation.
    • Medical Preparedness: Practical advice on first aid, managing radiation sickness, and essential medical supplies for surviving a nuclear disaster.
    • Comprehensive Checklists: Invaluable checklists for preparing shelters, managing medications, and safeguarding important documents in the event of a nuclear war.

    Dr. James J. Archer’s meticulous research and accessible writing style provide reassurance and confidence, empowering you to face even the most dire circumstances.

    ©2024 Maryna Altukhova (P)2024 Maryna Altukhova
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Histoire

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