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Couverture de Now Waiting

Now Waiting

De : Sarah Johnson
Lu par : Vanessa Daniels
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    No one likes to wait. But no matter how hassle-free the world around us has become, some things take time. Still, beginnings are fun-finish lines, thrilling. We love and celebrate those mountaintop moments. Life in the middle, however, is often hard and boring, certainly nothing to celebrate. Yet Sarah has discovered that the best parts of life can actually be those very moments between where we are and where we want to be. 

    Waiting is a vital part of our stories, and what we do with our times of waiting matter. Life isn't about navigating around seasons of waiting. It is learning to embrace them. We have spent too much time believing that we are waiting because God has forgotten about us. God can teach us what it means to fully trust him with our lives if we are willing.

    In Now Waiting, Sarah will explain how you can remain confident in the goodness of God when your season of waiting leaves you feeling discouraged, frustrated, and left out of God's plan; embrace seasons of waiting as a time to thrive, not just to endure; and find hope in the promises of God for today and tomorrow, even when things aren't going the way you planned.

    Stop believing the lie that everyone else is living a better story. Live fully convinced of God's plans for you, even during your next season of waiting.

    ©2020 Sarah Johnson (P)2021 Tantor

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