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Couverture de Novena Devotion to the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Novena Devotion to the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ

De : Fr. Emmanuel Bright
Lu par : Anthony G. Chiappetta
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    Novena Devotion to the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ is a powerful prayer devotion recited by Roman Catholics who wish to meditate on the passion of Christ and obtain great mercy and favors from him. This Catholic prayer guide promises great miracles to all who recites the novena to the precious blood of Jesus. 

    The chaplet of the precious blood has proven to proffer supernatural results and healing to faithfuls who pray steadfastly to the blood of Jesus.

    Contained in this audiobook:

    • Daily novena to the precious blood of Jesus
    • Guide to saying the novena
    • Litany to the precious blood of Jesus
    • Chaplet of the precious blood of Jesus
    • Meditations to the precious blood of Jesus

    Buy this audiobook now!

    ©2018 Fr. Emmanuel Bright (P)2018 Fr. Emmanuel Bright

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