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Couverture de Nothing Serious

Nothing Serious

De : Daniel Klein
Lu par : William Dufris
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    Stoned out of his skull - this is how we find washed-up New York magazine writer Digby Maxwell when he is offered a last chance to redeem himself by becoming editor of a small philosophy magazine headquartered in a rural Vermont college town. Digby’s assignment is to make the magazine relevant to contemporary culture. For starters, that requires several more tokes, very deep tokes.

    A wildly witty novel in the tradition of J. P. Donleavy and Nick Hornby, Nothing Serious takes serious potshots at Manhattan pop culture and academic small-mindedness, sexual obsessions and political correctness, 21st century alienation and philosophers ranging from Aristotle to Sartre.

    ©2013 Daniel Klein (P)2013 Blackstone Audio, Inc.


    "Hilarious." ( Kirkus Reviews)
    "Klein is a master of relevant social commentary, and his background as a writer of both mysteries and philosophy is clearly evident, resulting in an exceptional story sprinkled with philosophical overtones and rounded out with the perfect amount of symbolism and allegory. Look to J. P. Donleavy or Nick Hornby for apt comparisons." ( Booklist)
    "Klein creates a tightly plotted comedic tale with a genuine emotional center and a sharp satirical wit.... Beneath the scabrous humor there is a genuine love for all humanity.… Nothing Serious is a short sweet novel, equal parts intellect and comedy - perfect to read on vacation or as a palate-cleanser for more heavy-handed fare." ( New York Journal of Books)

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