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Couverture de Notes from the Henhouse

Notes from the Henhouse

De : Elspeth Barker
Lu par : Raffaella Barker
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    In Notes from the Henhouse, you will find:

    A Gothic castle, a draughty Norfolk farmhouse and a malevolent Aga

    A pet pig, Portia with a penchant for drama, an obsession with geraniums and an addiction to wine (the Bulgarian vintage)

    George Barker, poet and beloved husband, warbling cowboy songs into his glass and declaiming Hopkins and Houseman in The Drinking Room

    Five entrancing baby cherubimos, rolling and bouncing about in a big brass bed, before growing up at breakneck speed

    The ecstasy of writing, the dither of procrastination, and the endless adventures to be had in the wild realms of the imagination

    The outrage of death, the loneliness of widowhood, and then the surprising joys of dereliction: of moving very slowly round the garden in a shapeless coat, planting drifts of narcissus bulbs for latter springs.

    ©2023 Elspeth Barker (P)2023 Orion Publishing Group Limited


    This book is heaven. Elspeth Barker writes like no one else. (Olivia Laing, author of CRUDO)
    What a pleasure it was to read Notes from the Henhouse. An original voice, gothic, poetic and exuberantly funny. (Esther Freud, author of HIDEOUS KINKY)
    Elspeth Barker speaks her mind fearlessly, and her mind is scintillating. Witty, caustic, erudite - as fiercely funny in writing about heartbreak and mortality as she is about drunken dinner parties and delinquent dogs. (Lucy Hughes-Hallett)

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