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  • Not the Breast Year of My Life

  • Finding Hope and Resilience After a Breast Cancer Diagnosis
  • De : Cara Sapida
  • Lu par : Cara Sapida
  • Durée : 3 h et 34 min

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Couverture de Not the Breast Year of My Life

Not the Breast Year of My Life

De : Cara Sapida
Lu par : Cara Sapida
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    This award-winning memoir became an overnight bestseller, winning the hearts of listeners globally as it follows a young mother diagnosed with breast cancer. Cara Sapida draws listeners in as she discovers a lump, navigates through hair loss and hardship, and ultimately embarks on a journey of healing and empowerment. Praised as a narrative filled with both heart and humor, listeners will find themselves laughing one moment and reaching for tissues the next.

    In this book, she doesn't sugarcoat a word, presenting the raw side of cancer, which at times can be terrifying and absurd. Yet, this memoir is more than a story of battling breast cancer, it is a testament to human resilience, the power of hope, and the love of a mother. This book will resonate not just with those facing a cancer diagnosis, but with anyone who has experienced layers of hardship. With every chapter, listeners will find themselves inspired to approach life's obstacles with greater courage and determination.

    This memoir is essential for mothers, survivors, spouses, and caretakers. It promises to uplift and inspire. Listeners will find a friend in this book who not only deeply understands but will become a beacon of hope on their darkest days.

    ©2023 Cara Sapida (P)2024 Cara Sapida

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