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  • Not from Here: Selected UFO Articles

  • Not from Here: Selected UFO Articles, Book 1
  • De : Preston Dennett
  • Lu par : Dan Cross
  • Durée : 5 h et 14 min

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Not from Here: Selected UFO Articles

De : Preston Dennett
Lu par : Dan Cross
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    Preston Dennett has written dozens of books and more than one hundred articles about UFOs and the paranormal. A seasoned investigator with more than 35 years of experience, he is a leader in the field. This book represents the culmination of his many years of research. For the first time, Dennett has released a collection of ten articles from his vast stock of more than a hundred. Each article is original and appears here in book form for the first time.

    You will find the following articles and more:

    Conversations with Extraterrestrials.

    Phone Call from an Alien.

    UFO--Don't Shoot.

    Aliens Zoos.

    UFOs over Graveyards.

    They Walk Among Us.

    The Alien-Clown Connection.

    The Intimidation and Murder of UFO Witnesses.

    Exposed--Project Redlight.

    Mining Data on UFOs.

    If you are a fan of Preston Dennett's UFO research, you will not want to miss out on this special volume, the first of five fascinating volumes! This book will change the way you think about UFOs and answer many of the questions surrounding the UFO phenomenon.

    ©2016 Preston Dennett (P)2024 Preston Dennett

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