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Couverture de Not Since You

Not Since You

De : Dulcie Dameron
Lu par : Audrey Winehouse
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    Sins and secrets are hard to keep hidden in a small town....

    When Claudia Clark was involved in a tragic accident in high school, it set her on a devastating path toward heartbreak. For the past eight years, she’s carefully guarded her heart. With her business now thriving, she doesn’t have time for any unwanted distractions. She’s learned from her mistakes. But when the biggest one of all comes face to face with her again, she starts to question the belief she’s desperately clung to for so long.

    Dorian Vance can’t get over his past—or the girl that it’s wrapped up in. So when a family emergency brings him back to the small town of River Hollow, he decides it's time to accept the truth and confront the girl he left behind. Unfortunately for him, she’s dead set on making him pay for his sins.

    As sparks start flying and well-meaning townsfolk meddle in their affairs, Dorian and Claudia are forced to resurrect old ghosts that lay buried in a mire of guilt and shame. But as they find themselves in the center of a vengeful scheme, the hope and forgiveness they seek seem impossible to obtain.

    Not Since You is an emotional Christian Romance that features quirky characters, witty banter, and small-town charm. Perfect for fans of Becky Wade and T.I. Lowe.

    ©2022 Danielle Henderson (P)2023 Danielle Henderson

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