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Couverture de Not Safe for Work

Not Safe for Work

De : Isabel Kaplan
Lu par : Stephanie Nemeth Parker
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    Brought to you by Penguin.

    The thoroughly enjoyable debut novel about a young woman trying to succeed in Hollywood without selling her soul—perfect for fans of Sweetbitter, My Dark Vanessa and Exciting Times.

    You are young, ambitious, college-educated and a feminist. Your new job is in television.

    To climb the ranks, you do whatever it takes:

    • Pull all-nighters
    • Lean on your powerful mother's contacts
    • Stay in shape at cult-like fitness classes
    • Secretly wear your boss' Fitbit to improve his step count—and his temper

    You know the rules of this world. When someone senior tells you how pretty you look, you smile and thank him—and make a mental note never to wear that dress alone with him again.

    When whispers start to circle that your office might have 'a bit of a rape problem', and your close friend confesses her own unsettling encounter, you know there is plenty to gain from staying silent, and all too much to lose through speaking out.

    And of course, you know your own boss is one of the good guys...don't you?

    With blisteringly sharp prose and a darkly humorous voice, Not Safe for Work is an unflinching exploration of the grey area between empowerment and complicity, and a searing, unforgettable portrait of what success costs in a patriarchal world.

    ©2022 Isabel Kaplan (P)2022 Penguin Audio


    "A frank study of the psychological, and at times literal, gymnastics that are required of striving women." (Raven Leilani, best-selling author of Luster)

    "Frank, funny and unputdownable." (Claire Messud)

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