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Couverture de Not Just Gal Pals

Not Just Gal Pals

De : Elizabeth Luly
Lu par : Abby Craden
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    Jenny Lynton never planned to be an influencer. It just sort of . . . happened. When an unfortunate post results in Jenny being "almost canceled," she extends her stay in her hometown, Sapphire Springs, New York, to wait out the storm. Jenny's agent suggests a fling with a flannel-wearing lumberjack might be just the thing to distract her. But after a string of disastrous dates, Jenny has sworn off flings. And lumberjacks are in short supply in Sapphire Springs. Lumberjanes, on the other hand . . .

    Blake Mitchell is Sapphire Spring's only doctor. She's also had a crush on Jenny since high school. A crush that makes her a socially awkward mess whenever she's around Jenny. Blake moved back home to avoid being hurt by another relationship—there's not exactly a lot of dating options for lesbians in Sapphire Springs—but Blake can't stop thinking about Jenny now she's back in town.

    When Jenny and Blake are forced to work together to save a friend's bachelorette party, sparks fly. But with Jenny's return to LA a ticking time-bomb, is it wise for them to explore their feelings for each other, or do they risk being hurt yet again?

    Contains mature themes.

    ©2023 Elizabeth Luly (P)2024 Tantor

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