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Couverture de Northlander


De : D. Lambert
Lu par : Chase Johnson
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    The truth will destroy it all

    Pinned in HillTop, winter eats away at Tohmas Galanth's forces. Tohmas' wizard is outmatched and in hiding. His warriors are tired and losing faith. The longer they wait, the closer the truth comes to unseating Tohmas' position as Prince of Galanth. His chances at victory are dwindling and the more Tohmas learns about his powerful enemy DoomDragon, the more his confidence wanes.

    As Tohmas battles on, his family’s crimes come to light. The Galanth have guarded their secrets for a generation, but now the blood of the fallen washes away their deceptions. Lies have always come easier for Tohmas, yet to protect the obscurity of his past, he must set right the blood feud he inherited. In a war where no one can be trusted, can anyone emerge victorious?

    Dragons, wizards, and magical forces collide in this complex world of swords, sorcery, and ancient revenge.

    ©2022 D. Lambert (P)2022 D. Lambert

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