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  • Northern Light

  • Power, Land, and the Memory of Water
  • De : Kazim Ali
  • Lu par : Kazim Ali
  • Durée : 5 h et 50 min

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Northern Light

De : Kazim Ali
Lu par : Kazim Ali
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    The child of South-Asian migrants, Kazim Ali was born in London, lived as a child in the cities and small towns of Manitoba, and made a life in the United States. As a man passing through disparate homes, he has never felt he belonged to a place. And yet, one day, he finds himself thinking of Jenpeg, a community thrown up around the building of a hydroelectric dam on the Nelson River, where he once lived for several years as a child. Does the town still exist, he wonders? Is the dam still operational?

    When Ali goes searching, however, he finds not news of Jenpeg, but of the local Pimicikamak community. Facing environmental destruction and broken promises from the Canadian government, they have evicted Manitoba's electric utility from the dam on Cross Lake. In a place where water is an integral part of social and cultural life, the community demands accountability for the harm that the utility has caused.

    Troubled, Ali returns north, looking to understand his place in this story and eager to listen. Over the course of a week, he participates in community life and learns about the politics of the dam from Chief Cathy Merrick. In building relationships with his former neighbors, Ali explores questions of land and power - and in remembering a lost connection to this place, finally finds a home he might belong to.

    ©2021 Kazim Ali (P)2021 HighBridge, a division of Recorded Books

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