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Couverture de North East of Eden

North East of Eden

De : Peter Kerry
Lu par : Rebecca Front, Joan Sims, full cast
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    The BBC radio sitcom about a metropolitan GP who quits the city for a life in Paradise

    When Marcia Hulme inherits her uncle's medical practice, she decamps from London to a remote island off the coast of Northumbria. There's not a lot to do in Paradise, other than fish or drink, and Marcia's soon missing her favourite restaurants, cinemas and theatres - and her boyfriend, Clem. But as she plans her escape back to the Big Smoke, she gets drawn into island life and discovers that swapping West End wine bars for the Wind O'Change pub is really not so bad....

    In these six episodes, Marcia becomes involved in the Great Pig Race; joins the lifeboat crew on the Bobby Vee; and tries to start an arthouse film club. Meanwhile, the islanders are facing their own challenges, with offshore submarine manoeuvres; a man from the Ministry snooping about; and a mysterious illness that threatens the festivities at the St Marcus' Day parade. And as religious fever grips Paradise, Marcia finds herself praying for a miracle when Clem pays a visit....

    Full of warmth, wit and wonderful characters, Peter Kerry's gentle, whimsical comedy stars Rebecca Front as Marcia, with Joan Sims as Auntie Annie.

    Production credits

    Written by Peter Kerry

    Produced by Kathy Smith


    Doctor Marcia Hulme - Rebecca Front

    Auntie Annie - Joan Sims

    Hjorst/Translator - Niall Ashdown

    Joseph Gates - James Garbutt

    Mrs Peevis - Jean Southern

    William - Sammy Johnson

    Ralph Gates - Stephen Thirkeld

    Other parts played by Peter Kerry

    First broadcast BBC Radio 4,18th June-23rd July 1997

    ©2021 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd (P)2021 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd

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