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  • Norse Paganism

  • A Comprehensive Guide to Viking History and Culture - Gods, Rituals, Runes & Magic, Afterlife, and the Nine Realms of Norse Mythology
  • De : Erik Hansen
  • Lu par : Aries Studio
  • Durée : 3 h et 20 min

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Norse Paganism

De : Erik Hansen
Lu par : Aries Studio
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    Are you fascinated by tales of brutal, heroic Viking battles? Do you find yourself drawn to stories of the ancient gods Odin, Thor, and Loki? Are you inspired to learn more about the religion behind the myths and legends?

    This book will teach you everything there is to know about Norse Paganism, from its earliest origins in 10,000 BCE to its modern-day influence on pop culture.

    By separating fact from fiction, you will be given a detailed history of this deeply complex, magical religion. Scandinavian traditions will be explored in a historical context alongside the real-world practices of Norse Paganism.

    Committed to a life of learning and teaching, author Erik Hansen shares his knowledge and passion in this book. As a recognized expert in Norse history and mythology, his interest in this fascinating culture was sparked by his Norwegian ancestry.

    If you share that passion for ancient history and religion, this book is for you.

    Instead of sensationalized content about things that never happened, Erik Hansen has compiled a comprehensive guidebook of the facts.

    Inside Norse Paganism: A Comprehensive Guide to Viking History and Culture, you will learn everything you need to know about:

    • The origins of Norse Paganism and its history through the centuries
    • The nature of polytheism and how it makes this religion unique
    • The Viking way of life
    • The details surrounding Norse magic and runes
    • The Nine Realms of Norse Mythology
    • The impact of Norse Paganism on pop culture

    And other spiritual and cultural facts.

    From ancient practices shrouded in shamanic mystery to present-day connections with nature, there are a lot of misconceptions surrounding Norse Paganism.

    If you’re ready to learn the truth—the detailed, magical, brutal truth—pick up your copy today.

    ©2022 Erik Hansen (P)2022 ARIES Publishing Ltd

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