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Couverture de Normal Women

Normal Women

De : Ainslie Hogarth
Lu par : Brittany Pressley
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    In this darkly comic story about how we value female labor—and don’t—a new mother becomes embroiled in danger when her friend, a controversial entrepreneur, goes missing.

    When her daughter Lotte was born, Dani had welcomed the chance to be a stay-at-home mother. To be good at something, for once. But now Dani can’t stop thinking about her seemingly healthy husband, Clark, dropping dead. Not because she hates him (not right now, anyway) but because it’s become abundantly clear to Dani that if he dies, she and Lotte will be left destitute.

    And then Dani discovers The Temple. Ostensibly a yoga center, The Temple and its guardian, Renata, are committed to helping people reach their full potential. And if that sometimes requires sex work, so be it. Finally, Dani has found something she could be good at, even great at; meaningful work that will protect her and Lotte from poverty, and provide true economic independence from Clark.

    Just as Dani is preparing to embrace this opportunity, Renata disappears. And Dani discovers there might be something else she’s good at: uncovering secrets.

    ©2023 Ainslie Hogarth (P)2023 Random House Audio


    “Ainslie Hogarth is the master of first sentences, and the god of surprising verbs.”—Claire Oshetsky, author of Chouette

    “An exhilarating ride of a novel that deliciously and irreverently skewers the complacent, the entitled and the self-satisfied.”—Carole Hailey, author of The Silence Project

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