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  • Normal Broken

  • The Grief Companion for When It's Time to Heal but You're Not Sure You Want To
  • De : Kelly Cervantes
  • Lu par : Kelly Cervantes
  • Durée : 5 h et 56 min

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Normal Broken

De : Kelly Cervantes
Lu par : Kelly Cervantes
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    In Normal Broken, Kelly Cervantes isn't trying to tell you what to do, how to feel, or the right way to heal. She's also not flinging sunny thoughts, vibes, and prayers at you. After losing her daughter to epilepsy, she knows that grief is many things. Something everyone will have to deal with. But never linear. Just as what we are grieving varies, so do our journeys to process it.

    Normal Broken was born out of this desire to meet people where they are in their grief journeys, to lend a hand, or maybe to just sit in the dark with them.

    Normal Broken is divided into "moments" of grief that will allow you to choose what you need at any given time—such as:

    - When you're not sure if you want to heal

    - When you're facing anniversaries and other meaningful dates

    - When you're ready to be okay

    Kelly also shares stories from her ongoing journey, along with advice she wishes someone had given her. Normal Broken is designed to serve as a companion through your own grief journey, whether you are mourning the loss of a child, a friend, a family member, or anyone special in your life.

    ©2023 Kelly Cervantes (P)2023 Tantor

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