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Couverture de No Return

No Return

De : Rob Sangster
Lu par : Todd Menesses
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    2019 Imaginarium Imadjinn Award Finalist for Best Thriller

    "Rob Sangster's No Return is a blazing thriller chock-full of intelligence and action."–Mark Greaney, #1 NYT Bestselling Author of Agent in Place

    A riveting new Jack Strider suspense from EPIC Award winning author, Rob Sangster.

    San Francisco lawyer Jack Strider sank everything he had into an offshore mining operation. Now he’s about to go broke. Worse, a Wall Street CEO, a Saudi prince, and the president of China all want him dead. And he doesn’t know why.

    Cormack Slade, megalomaniacal CEO of an international banking juggernaut, is cornering the supply of Rare Earth Elements. Without these elements, computers, smart phones, nuclear reactors, military jets, and other critical technology simply won’t function. If Slade succeeds, he’ll be the most powerful man in the world. If he fails, his firm will go bankrupt and trigger a cascade of business failures so massive no government can stop it.

    To get the money and answers he needs, Jack is forced to navigate the wild whitewater rapids on the River of No Return. All too soon, he’s trying to outrun assassins and stop the catastrophe that will take Wall Street down. To survive, Jack will have to stop running and gamble everything, including his life.

    Rob Sangster’s first Jack Strider novel, Ground Truth, was #1 on Amazon Kindle. His second, Deep Time, won the 2017 EPIC Award for best suspense/thriller of the year. A Stanford lawyer with experience in finance, politics, and public service, he’s an avid sailor who has traveled in more than 100 countries. Rob and his mystery writer wife divide their time between their homes in Tennessee and on the wild coast of Nova Scotia.

    ©2018 Rob Sangster (P)2024 Scribd, Inc.

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