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  • No More Faking It

  • A Woman’s Guide to Getting the Love, Pleasure and Fulfillment She Deeply Desires
  • De : Magda Kay
  • Lu par : Madison Loxley
  • Durée : 5 h et 40 min

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No More Faking It

De : Magda Kay
Lu par : Madison Loxley
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    Are you tired of pretending everything is okay in your relationships? Do you find yourself putting others' needs before your own and feeling unfulfilled? Do you feel stuck in the same dynamic where your needs always come last? No More Faking It is your ultimate guide to breaking free from this cycle and embracing the love, pleasure, and fulfillment you deserve.

    Written specifically for women seeking dating advice and relationship advice, this powerful guide teaches you how to live your most authentic life, honor your needs, and reclaim your power. Intimacy coach and founder of the School of Intimacy, Magda Kay, shares her revolutionary "F" power method to help every woman stop settling – because you deserve to get everything you desire in your relationships, in the bedroom, and in life.

    Inside No More Faking It, you'll discover:

    • Practical advice for choosing the right partner and building healthy, loving relationships
    • Inspiring stories that demonstrate the power of authenticity and self-love
    • Guided exercises to help you honor your truth, needs, and boundaries
    • Strategies for making sure your needs are met and living a truly fulfilling life
    • Empowering insights to break free from the cycle of bad relationships

    With No More Faking It, you'll learn how to prioritize yourself and your own needs, ensuring that you never again settle for less than you deserve. Say goodbye to picking the wrong partners or giving bad partners too many chances–it's time to take control of your love life and embrace the power of authenticity!

    Whether you're single, dating, or in a committed relationship, this insightful book is a must-listen for every woman who wants to experience the love, pleasure, and fulfillment she deeply desires.

    ©2023 Magda Kay LP (P)2023 Magda Kay LP

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