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No Kill No Thrill

De : Darcy Henton, Greg Owens
Lu par : Joanne Owens
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    “No kill. No thrill.” The macabre mantra of Charles Ng shocked coworkers, but nobody really believed the soft-spoken ex-marine really meant it, even as those coworkers began disappearing. It was his favorite expression–and it also led to his undoing.

    No Kill No Thrill draws upon meticulous research to tell the true story of two violent psychopaths who plotted to capture and confine women as sex slaves and to kill friends and strangers alike for their coveted property.

    This book, now the basis for the NBCUniversal Oxygen true crime TV documentary series Manifesto of a Serial Killer follows Ng from childhood, through his heinous killing spree, arrest, and trial and follows the search for justice by family members of the victims.

    ©2022 Darcy Henton and Greg Owens (P)2022 Darcy Henton and Greg Owens


    "I have seldom read a finer, more intimately revealing book on crime, policing and the law." —R. JOHN HAYES, EDMONTON JOURNAL

    "Anyone who wants to know the full story of Charles Ng will find No Kill No Thrill not only informative, but an exciting read as well. Be warned though – this book is not for the faint of heart. While they never stoop to tawdy sensationalism, Henton and Owens pull no punches in delivering what is essentially the story of a sadistic, soulless killer." —LETHBRIDGE HERALD

    "In No Kill No Thrill, the authors downplay the gory facts and instead focus on the real stories. And that’s what makes this book worth reading." —GLOBE AND MAIL

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