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  • No Child Without a Dad

  • A Global Mandate to Bring Healing to Hearts, Homes and the World... Know Your Glory Code - Know Your Impact
  • De : Paul Benjamin
  • Lu par : Jessica Mathison
  • Durée : 10 h et 54 min

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No Child Without a Dad

De : Paul Benjamin
Lu par : Jessica Mathison
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    America is at a tipping point! What is the root cause of our societal pandemic?

    Author, coach, and international consultant, Paul Benjamin Sr., unpacks powerful principles to help you understand the “why” behind: 

    • The Parkland School shooting in Florida
    • Trayvon Martin shooting in Sanford, Florida 
    • Black Lives Matter and George Floyd murder
    • Blue Lives Matter and the Pulse Night Club shooting
    • Teen girls and boys' suicide, cutting, and mental health disorders
    • The opioid drug epidemic, gang violence
    • Human trafficking, sexual abuse, domestic violence
    • Gender identity conflict, relationship conflicts, divorce 
    • Political conflicts, anti-Semitism, terrorism 

    Curious? Then, No Child Without a Dad is a must-listen! 

    You will learn the one key factor that has shaped the course of the world. There is hope. Become equipped to make a positive impact in your city today.

    ©2020 Advantage Books (P)2021 Paul Benjamin Sr

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