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Nine While Nine

De : Stasia Morineaux
Lu par : Blanca Frappier
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Isabeau Finne’s perfect world completely unravels when she meets Death’s right-hand man one fateful night, sending her life spiraling into a world of chaos and the impossible. Suddenly, she is no longer Isabeau and becomes part of the most secretive inner workings of Death itself.

She must quickly learn how to traverse this new life...or lose it. As she delves deeper into the mystery and challenges of her new existence, her every move is shadowed by the darkly mysterious Gideon.

Isabeau yearns for the simplicity of her old life - this one is full of dangers, unanswered questions, and cryptic dreams. But she discovers it also seems to come with the unexpected perk an all-access pass to an otherworldly dominion of ancient magic, much to the annoyance of her new boss.

Things become truly precarious when she learns of the Nine While Nine Legacy, bringing her dangerously close to truths that will further dismantle the foundation of her reality. Now someone sees her as a risk...a threat...and wants to eliminate her.

Can her new friends in the Contingency of Death help her? Or are they part of the peril?

She is certain of only one thing...something dark is on its way.

©2018 Stacia Morineaux (P)2021 Blanca Frappier
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